Friday, January 20, 2012

I can't believe I did it!

Gasp! I did it, I deactivated my facebook account. I have had facebook since 2006, after a mission trip to the Dominican Republic. That was a time when one needed to be invited in, or have a college email address. Now 6 years later, I am severing ties. It's been a slow process, I've deactivated it before and I have always returned to it. But this time, I am hoping and praying that it is for good.

As odd as it sounds, seeing my kids makes me realize that I don't want the facebook connection anymore. While my children are not allowed to have facebook because they are not yet 13, I realize that I shouldn't either. While I can not return the world to a pre-internet time, I can be the example that I want my kids to be.

I kind of like the idea of being secretive. Facebook took away my privacy. I suppose that I allowed that to happen though. I logged on, I updated my status, I added pictures. I sent friend requests and confirmed request of me. Yes, I facebook stalked also.

As I was reading people's updates today I thought to myself, this is really it. I am tired of people's updates and honestly I don't care! This is a new year, it's a new me, let's screw up one more aspect of my life! So out went facebook!

Out went facebook and here I am... writing about it. Sad but true. But at least I am writing. Tomorrow is going to be a snowy mess up this way, so the kids and I are going to paper mache, watch Big Bang Theory and have a fire in the fireplace. Who knows, maybe I'll write about that too!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I wonder...

Not be be prejudiced, but I am wondering if long term planning is a white thing to do. By that I mean, is it something that people of the Caucasian race do more than those of us who are not Caucasian?

Here is why I ponder this...

1. Pregnancy. When I was pregnant, I waited till I was seven months pregnant before buying anything. Yes, I knew I was pregnant when I was several weeks along but I figured why rush? Caucasian friends of mine who were pregnant around the same times as I was had everything set and ready for their offspring by the time they were 6 months pregnant...

2. Savings. I can't save for beans! We saved up money for the down payment of our house for a year, and in the past 9 years we haven't had more that $150 in our savings account at a time. Stocks, portfolios, diversified 401k, ROTH Ira... what an alphabet soup! If it isn't offered through work, there is no way I can part with more of my take home pay! And what am I saving for? See, I don't get it!

3. Wills. I have an 11 year old and a 9 year old. If hubby and I die they are going to go somewhere, where? I have no clue. People that I thought were good friends when the kids were born are not that close to us now.

Am I crazy? Maybe for thinking that Caucasians specifically long term plan. I know that Ms. Liberty84 would say yes. I want to plan for the future, but it seems like I barely make it through the day! Or in the odd chance that I have planned for the future, a wrench is always thrown in my plan and something happens that alters my plans. I don't exactly fly by the seat of my pants, but long term planning to me is anything further than 3 months away.

Perhaps it's just the evil green eyed jealousy monster that is fighting for attention. Maybe I just secretly wish that I could be a serious long term planner. Geez, I don't know. All I know is that I make kick a** cupcakes!

Now, if I had planned on baking today, it would never have happened. But my ADD personality felt that my cinnamon hazelnut coffee would taste so much better with a homemade chocolate hostess cupcake, complete with homemade cream filling. Sad but true.

Maybe I just need a life coach to get me on track... do they have ones who service the ghetto?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

If I can't skype, I'll have to eat!

I made this yummy caramel apple Danish this morning. It was so good that my daughter didn't believe I made it! I thought I was being a nice wife and mother.... But alas, was I ever wrong.

In return for my baking skills, which later included a dinner of chicken parmesean and garlic bread, I was denied a true pleasure, a dark rain cloud moved over the sun in my sky. My husband took the computer to work with him, rendering me Skype-less.

What's the fuss you ask? Why can't I pick up a phone, send a text, type out an email or write a letter? Because! Skyping allows me to feel as though I
am not alone! I can chat with Ms Liberty84 for hours on end! (sad but true fact is that she lives less than 2 miles away) So on this last evening of school vacation, not only does hubby pick up an overnight shift, but he takes the one visual connection I have to the only other person in this whole wide world ( that I have found thus far) who is most like me.

So what's a girl to do? Throw the kids in bed, snuggle up on the couch with the dog and stuff her face of course! Mango Laasi, I'll take a large, caramel apple Danish- sorry kids you get cereal for breakfast. The only way this night could get better without him returning the laptop to me would be if the door opened and he came in with some Taco Bell- Mexican pizza, chicken chalupas with nacho cheese, a gordita wrap supreme and a cherry pepsi!

But alas, I must accept the fact that the taco bell won't come tonight, and that I must wait till tomorrow to be lazy on skype with Ms Liberty84....
Hubby, you better bring me a spinach and feta omlette for breakfast tomorrow!

Friday, February 25, 2011


I love love love Skype. I initially installed it to use to talk with people far away, for example talking to Rachel while she is in Haiti. We talked on skype every night during her trip in January. It was the most amazing thing, to be able to video chat with someone who was in another country!

Now I have found another use for skype. Rather than chatting with my cousin in Nigeria, my friend in New Zealand or Rachel who is back in Haiti.... I am chatting with my dear friend Naida, who lives less than 2 miles away from me. It's sad, I know.

It was bad enough that one month I had over 2100 texts, to Naida alone! Now I can sit on the couch, do nothing and "ghetto babysit" her baby. What does "ghetto babysit" mean? Well it's watching a baby roll around on her playmat using skype while her mother runs out for an hour! Just kidding... there was no "ghetto babysitting" today.

Instead, we made plans to go to Chuck E Cheese with our gaggle of kids. Was that the smartest thing to do on a rainy Friday during school vacation? It remains to be seen...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

New Directions

No sillies! I am not talking about Glee, even though I LOVE, LOVE,LOVE that show! It makes me wish that I could return to high school just to be part of a show choir group! But, as usual, I digress.

New Directions for me means taking my own life in a new direction. February 4, 2011, I was informed that I do in fact need to have surgery on my knee, but that in truth, due to a structural deformity that I have, it's a 50/50 chance of being successful in the long run.

The surgery date is set for late March, and since I am still on light duty, I am currently out of work. Even though it has been 2 months already, I feel as though now I have finally decided that I need to seek a new direction.

Life wasn't so great working at a job that I wasn't completely thrilled at. But I realized that I was trusting not in God, but in myself to make it through life. I wasn't living, and I have to confess that my patience with the kids was non existent.

Now that I have been contemplating and soul searching, I have been spending less and cooking more. I have been reading up a storm and enjoying the simple things of life, like evening games of Skip-Bo and Phase 10 with the kids. I have volunteered a lot at the kid's school and am looking forward to volunteering at one of the local food pantries.

I don't know where the money for the mortgage and all the bills will come from, as unfortunately I was the primary breadwinner, but it's ok by me to not know. I have already used up all my sick time and personal time at work, but so far we have needed for nothing. If anything, we as a family have bonded more. Interesting for a family with a preteen daughter and a son who has ADHD... it's a new direction for all of us.

I have been telling my self and the kids that having faith that we are where God wants and needs us to be is not easy but if we truly believe in God than we have to trust that He has a plan and it is not to harm us.

My motto for my new direction in life now comes from Acts 20:24

However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.

As frightening as it may be, God has a job for me and I need to keep my eyes focused on him in order to fulfill his plan for me. Stay tuned!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Egads! Today is the day

Today I find out my fate. The fate of my poor knee. I have to go into Boston to a well known and very reputable hospital and meet with a surgeon. I am so scared! I know there will be no surgery today, but I do know it will be sooner rather than later!

I have so many questions... I probably should write them down so I don't forget.

1. What is the percent that with this surgery my knee will still dislocate
2. What is the recovery rate like
3. How long before I could be back to full duty?
4. How long will I have to stay in the hospital

Egads, I am so scared!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Rainy days make me sleepy!

The past two days have been a mixture of snow ( Tuesday) and freezing
rain (today). All this weather has made me want to do is snuggle up
on the couch with a buttload of blankets piled up on me, a good book
and some hot coffee! And I did just that!

For tuesday's dinner I made a chicken ceaser pizza with an apple
peanut bitter crumble pie.... It's all gone, no leftovers! That's
always a good sign!

Today, I slept, and slept and slept. After sleeping I drank some
coffee, and went back to sleep! Yup, perhaps I am finally adjusting to
this cold weather (not!). For supper I made stuffed shells, garlic
bread and.... Chocolate cherry cupcakes!